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Factors to Consider When Installing Air Conditioning in Your Home

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When you install an air conditioner in your home, you need to consider a range of factors that will play a role in determining the most appropriate system. Here are several factors to keep in mind.

Air Conditioner Capacity

You need to think about the size of the area you want to cool and choose a system to manage that space. You will require information, such as the room proportions, including the floor area and ceiling height, and other details regarding insulation and windows. The local climate is also relevant.

An uninsulated room with large windows that capture direct sunlight will force an air conditioner to work harder than an insulated room with small double-glazed windows, mainly in the shade. If you live in a climate with moderate summers, the air conditioner will need less power to cool your house. An air conditioner installation expert can help you determine the necessary capacity, considering everything.

Air Conditioner Type

You will also need to evaluate the type of air conditioner you want. A ducted system may be best if you intend to cool your entire house. The central indoor component of these systems is installed out of sight in the ceiling or under the floor and delivers cold air via ducts and vents. An advantage of ducted systems is that they are the most seamless option, as the vents are the only visible element in the room decor.

If you want to cool one large area or a couple of rooms in your home, you might prefer a split-system air conditioner instead. You will then need to fit the cooling unit on the wall or ceiling of the areas you want to cool. You can thus target selected spaces and not pay to cool your whole home. Options include a split or multi-split system consisting of several indoor units powered by one outdoor unit. All air conditioners, regardless of type, require key decisions regarding the specific placement of the elements, such as the outdoor and indoor units and the vents.

Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning

A crucial consideration is whether you want to install a reverse-cycle air conditioner, which provides heating and cooling. Doing so will provide the convenience of one system that can be used in all seasons. You will only have to undertake one installation and look after and maintain one setup. The choice depends on your local climate and the frequency with which you need heating and cooling.

For more information on heating and cooling, contact a professional near you.
